Author(s): F. Chanchinmawia, Manoj Kumar Verma
The purpose of this paper is to find out user awareness and uses of e-ShodhSindhu Digital Library Consortium by Faculty Members and Research Scholars of Mizoram University. A structured questionnaire was designed and randomly distributed to 502 respondents for data collection, out of which 311 (61.95%) filled questionnaire from respondents which constituted 136(47.7%) Faculty Members and 175(56.27%) Research Scholar was received for data analysis. This paper examines the awareness, utilization and satisfaction with e-ShodhSindhu Digital Library Consortium resources by Faculty and Research Scholars and, found that 236 (76%) respondents are aware and use digital library consortium but there is a need to conduct more awareness/training program for enhancing the use of e-ShodhSindhu Digital Library Consortium. This study urges the inclusion of a short-term program in the course curriculum and more awareness is required that will make the users more skilful in handling Consortium.
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