
Research Article - (2022) Volume 12, Issue 4

Reading Habits Among Under Graduate Students in Nursing Colleges of Kanchipuram District in the Digital Era: A Study

Muruganandham G1* and Prakash N2*
*Correspondence: Muruganandham G, Department of Librarian, University of S A College of Arts & Science, Chennai-631552, Tamilnadu, India, Tel: +9551285085, Email: Prakash N, Department of Assistant Librarian, University of Meenakshi Medical College Hospital, Chennai-631552, Tamilnadu, India, Email:

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The paper is an attempt to ascertain the reading habits among under graduate students, and their preferences regarding the sources of information in the digital era of the selected Arts and Science colleges situated in Kanchipuram district. It is found through the study that reading habits have not become less or minimized but has changed to the E-reading pattern because of the availability of E-Resources anywhere at any time beyond the boundaries of the traditional libraries. This in turn helps to increase the reading habits of readers. 225 questionnaires were distributed to under graduate students and 183 questionnaires were received. A suggestion from the users says that the reading habits should be inculcated in children from the initial stage of education. At undergraduate level also there should be a compulsory library hour where students get acquainted with the library resources and library services.


Library Resources, E-books, E-Journals, Reading Habits, Library Services, Under Graduate Students, Nursing Colleges.


In the last decade computers, cell phones and the internet access have become widely available. Such increased availability of technology may lead to changes in reading quality and reading habits. Quality of reading includes not only reading comprehension, but also the pleasure of reading.

In the digital era has brought with it publishing in electronic form. This is an era of E-books, E-journals. The prediction of a paperless society made by F.W. Lancaster in 1978 has not come true. According to him, all publishing would be in electronic form in 2000. But we have witnessed that owing to various advantages the print medium is still popular. Instead of eliminating paper information technologies have combination of images, sound, text and graphics in what is referred to as multimedia conveys knowledge in a highly synthetic and powerful manner (Kurata, K, 2017).

A study the positive relationships that exist between the amounts of time spent in recreational reading and academic achievement. Reading is an important and most significant activity in a society. It is important for people to acquire knowledge and information. Even though information may appear in many different media people still read.


• To determine the reading habits among the students.
• To find out the reading resources used by the students.
• Reasons for the change in the reading habits of the students.
• To assess the level of satisfaction of reading in the digital era.
• To find the measures to improve the reading habits among the students.

Literature Review

Information collected through well designed questionnaires was distributed to the under graduated Arts and Science students of the selected colleges situated in Kanchipuram district. Totally 225 questionnaires were distributed to the students and 183 questionnaires was received. So sample size is 183 (Mohammad, K, 2004).

Gender wise distribution of respondents

There are 59 male students and 124 female students who responded to the questionnaire, which constitutes 32.24% male students and 67.76% female students of the total population of the respondents (Table 1).

Gender No.of students Percentage %
Male 59 32.24%
Female 124 67.76%
Total 183 100

Table 1: Gender Wise Distribution of Respondents.

Frequency of visits to the library

The major of students visit the library daily which forms 36.06% of the total students, 22.95% students visit the library twice per week, about 11.47% students visit the library once per week. About 14.21% students visit the library twice in a month, 9.29 students visited the library once per month and about 6.02% students do not visit at all (Table 2).

Frequency of visits No.of students Percentage
Daily 66 36.06%
Twice per week 42 22.95%
Once per week 21 11.47%
Twice in a month 26 14.21%
Once in a month 17 9.29%
Never visit the library 11 6.02%
Total 183 100%

Table 2: Frequency of Visits to the Library.

Time spent for reading in the library

Majority of the students said that there is no fixed time for reading. They constitute about 41.53% of the total population of the respondents (Table 3). About 34.42% of students read for one hour, about 14.76% of students read for two hours and only 9.29% students read for more than 2 hours.

Time spent for reading in the library No.of students Percentage %
One hour 63 34.42%
Two hours 27 14.76
More than two hours 17 9.29%
No fixed time 76 41.53%
Total 183 100%

Table 3: Time Spent for Reading in the Library.

Library resources used by the students

About 28.96% of students to visit the library to read text books and reference books 19.67% of students visit the library read newspapers, 9.84% of students to read magazines, 22.95% of students to visit for competitive exam books, 5.46% of students to visit the library to read other reference materials like dictionaries, encyclopaedias, autobiographies etc. 13.12% of students to visit the library to read journals (Table 4).

Library resources No.of students Percentage %
News papers 36 19.67%
Magazines 18 9.84
Competitive exam books 42 22.95%
Text books and reference books 53 28.96
Journals 24 13.12
Others 10 5.46%
Total 183 100%

Table 4: Library Resources used by the Students.


Purpose of reading

The majority of the students read to prepare for their study purpose which constitutes 47.551% of the total population of the respondents (Table 5). 18.03% of respondents for recreational purpose, 14.75% of students read to upgrade their knowledge. And 19.67% of student’s read to prepare for competitive exams.

Purpose of reading No. of students Percentage %
Recreational purpose 33 18.03%
Upgrade their knowledge 27 14.75%
Prepare for competitive exams 36 19.67
Study purpose 87 47.55
Total 183 100%

Table 5: Purpose of Reading

Effect on reading habits in the digital era

The majority of the students observed that the reading habits have changed to a great extent in the digital era which forms 53.55% of the total population of respondents. About 34.43% of students felt that reading habits have been affected to some extent in the digital era (Table 6). About 6.56 of each said that they never say and 2.18% reading habits are not affected at all (Gallik, 1999).

Effect on reading habits No. of students Percentage
To a great extent 98 53.55
To some extent 63 34.43
Never say 12 6.56
Limited extent 4 2.18
Not affected at all 6 3.28
Total 183 100%

Table 6: Effect on Reading Habits in the Digital Era.

Reasons for the change in reading habits

Most of the students 37.16% felt that change in reading habits in the digital era is because information is easy to get through digital devices. About 13.11% of students felt that information is accurately accessed on the internet through search engines by using appropriate keywords (Saaaid, S.A, et al. 2014). About 16.39% of students felt that speed of accessing required information through internet is also a reason for changing the reading habits from traditional print media to E-reading and students equally felt that feasibility to refer and access the information from anywhere is the reason for the change in reading habits (Rhee, A.M, 2001). 13.66% of students felt that time are saved in acquiring the information electronically in the digital era (Table 7).

Reasons for changing in reading habits No. of students Percentage
Speedy 30 16.39
Accuracy 24 13.11
Easy to find it 68 37.16
Time saved for us 25 13.66
Facility to access anywhere 36 19.68
Any other 0 0
Total 183 100%

Table 7: Reasons for the Change in Reading Habits.

Level of satisfaction in using digital resources

The majority of the students who were satisfied and highly satisfied are 75% and 49.18% and 26.23% respectively. 13.80% of students were said that they never say (Hopper, R, 2005). About 8.20% of students said that they are not satisfied with the experience of reading the digital resources and only 3.82% of the students are not highly satisfied with the digital resources (Table 8).

Level of satisfaction in using digital resources No. of students Percentage
Highly satisfied 48 26.23
Satisfied 90 49.18
Never say 23 12.57
Highly not satisfied 7 3.82
Not satisfied 15 8.2
Total 183 100%

Table 8: Level of Satisfaction in using Digital Resources.


• The majority percentage of students is visit the library every day to read study purposebut a limited number of students to read magazines.
• Most of the students agree that e-resources are feasible to be finding easy.
• Majority of the students said that there is no fixed time for reading in the librarybecause in the digital age the e-resources are accessible at anywhere.
• Though half of the population used for study agrees that reading habits are diminishing
• in the digital era but a considerable percentage of the selected population still believethat reading habits are not negatively affected in the digital era (Shimray, S.R, et al.2015).


• Reading habits should be inculcated since the primary education level by arrangingstory time, library visits etc.
• Library orientation programmer should be done at the beginning of the academic yearfor the new students.
• Library resources should be updated regularly.
• Availability of more e-resources in the library.


Reading habits has been changed in the digital era and are now moving towards the e-reading culture. Developments in the ICT and its implication in the library field facilitate us to get access to the e-resources which have proved user-friendly. Readers prefer e-resources for their nature of feasibility in referring anywhere at any time. As per the fourth law of library science set by Dr.S.R Ranganathan save the time of the reader, e-resources save a lot of time of the users in finding the information needed by him/her. In the digital era we have changed the pattern of accessing the information. Also in turn in the digital era we have increased our reading limits because we can get access to the information at a single click.


Author Info

Muruganandham G1* and Prakash N2*
1Department of Librarian, University of S A College of Arts & Science, Chennai-631552, Tamilnadu, India
2Department of Assistant Librarian, University of Meenakshi Medical College Hospital, Chennai-631552, Tamilnadu, India

Received: 20-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. IJLIS-22-71302; Editor assigned: 22-Jul-2022, Pre QC No. IJLIS-22-71302(PQ); Reviewed: 05-Aug-2022, QC No. IJLIS-22-71302; Revised: 30-Nov-2022, Manuscript No. IJLIS-22-71302(R); Published: 28-Nov-2022, DOI: 10.35248/2231-4911.22.12.837

Copyright: This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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