Author(s): Shaji John, Khaiser Jahan Begum
The present study is an attempt to determine the use of E-resources by academia of science in universities of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Over all 58.5% of respondents from universities of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh have more than two years of experience in using E-resources. Altogether 63.1% of respondents are found to be using E-resources more than two hours daily. The study found that 41.4% of respondents from Universities of Andhra Pradesh and 35.2% of respondents from universities of Telangana always use E-resources for the purpose of research and 29.6% of respondents from Universities of Andhra Pradesh and 17.9% of respondents from universities of Telangana are using E-resources “Always” for the purpose of “Teaching”. There is a slight decrease in library visit and print reading habit among the respondents due to the use of E-resources. On the other hand there is a slight increase in academic performance among the respondents due to the use of E-resources.
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