Author(s): Dr. (Mrs.) Shilpa Satish Waghchoure
Advances in computer applications during the past few decades have brought radical changes in the way information is gathered, store, organized, accessed, retrieved and consumed. The Internet and the Web are constantly influencing the development of new modes of scholarly communication; their potential for delivering goods is quite vast, as they overcome successfully the geographical limitations associated with the print media. The Internet can be used for efficient retrieval and meeting information needs. This is very important for university libraries since most of them call for more and more research work. This important fact is convincing many libraries to move towards electronic resources, which are found to be less expensive and more useful for easy access. The present paper is the Comparative Study of Use of Electronic Resources by Social Scientists in University Libraries of Thailand and India. This study is sponsored by ICSSR-NRCT Bilateral Programme2014.
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