
Use and Impact of E-Resources on Study and Research: A Study on Research Scholars of University of Luckno


Author(s): Aarti Mohan, Anubhav Shah, Sharad Kumar Sonkar

In this paper authors want to know the impact of e-resources on study and research. In this order 100 questionnaires were distributed to the research scholars of University of Lucknow out of which 80 responses collected from the respondents. Most of respondents (55%) for given questionnaires were male and maximum numbers of responses were received from respondents of age group of 21-25. Majority of respondents were using e-resources i.e. 96%. Most preferred electronic resources 38.18% are online databases. Majority of responses 68.62% were aware about eresources from internet and 53.75% responses received from the respondents used it daily. 51.2% people used e-resources for study and research. Most preferred erecourses website according to the respondents was than followed by Shodganga.

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