
Social Media and Libraries: The Perfect Combination of the Next Generation


Author(s): Social Media, libraries, Facebook, Myspace, Generation, Wechat, Instagram

Social media are considered as a powerful communication tool of the 21st century. Social media are also responsible for bridging the gap between the library and library users. This paper has highlighted the combination between the libraries and social media. The present research has also taken into an account to see the liability and possibilities of social media usage in the libraries. This study describes the number of aspects of among libraries a social medium. Social media provides a major platform for the libraries to promote their sources and services. This present study has also marked the number of social media usage in the libraries. The impact of social media on libraries looked positive and every individual library is using social media toot to interact with the library users, e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Wechat, MySpace, Wikis, and YouTube. This paper also identified the benefits, purposes, and issues of using social media in the libraries. This study has revealed that the libraries should adopt social media tools to create a virtual environment for library users where they can access the library sources and services. Social media can be helpful to create a massive bridge between library users and library resources and services.

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