
Role of Library Professionals in a Pandemic Situation Like COVID-19


Author(s): Pankaj Bhati, Inder Kumar

This paper emphasizes the various roles of library professionals during the pandemic situation like COVID 19. It also identifies the advocacy role that Library Professionals have taken up. It traces the number of digital platforms available around the world. It also promotes the use of social media /networks. Library Professionals can support the entire community in their scholarly endeavors. The role of the Library Professionals is to trace down information as per the user requirement, act as an information disseminator, and organizer of knowledge through the varied information pools. Library Professionals can show their expertise with the assistance of experience in addition to the varied skills they need. Library Professionals can provide E-contents, information links, their commitment to customer service. As a result the role of Library Professionals defines the whole community a new way of doing work and gets the information remotely in the period of a lockdown/pandemic situation. This study helps the Library Professionals to improve their skill set as per the tough conditions & serve the information like a responsible citizen of the country.

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