
Bibliometric Analysis of Ph.D. Theses in political Science Submitted to select Universities in Andhra Pradesh


Author(s): K. Lakshmi Narayana Reddy, K. Surendra Babu

Bibliometric analysis of Ph.D. theses in Political Science submitted to select universities in Andhra Pradesh, for the period of 1980-2015 has been carried out. The study is based on the 34,986 citations cited in 217 Ph.D. theses of Political Science. The Study presents analysis of several parameters like bibliographic form, year-wise distribution of theses, authorship pattern, ranking of core journals and country-wise distribution of cited documents. The Study finds that books are the most preferred sources of information used by the researchers in the field of Political Science accounting for 51% and most of the citations (98.67%) are contributed by single author. India (62.3%) is the largest producer of literature in the field of Political Science compared to other countries and most dominant language was English (88.08%).

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