Author(s): Jayakumara, Selvaraja, A
The present paper discusses about the awareness and use of social networking sites (SNS) by the faculty members of Govt. First Grade College, Chamarajanagar. The questionnaire method was used to collect required data from the respondents. The results show that, faculty members have awareness about use of Facebook, YouTube and Blogs than other sites. The respondents learned to use SNS through guidance from the friends and colleagues. Most of the respondents have been using SNS from last two years. Nearly 63% of the faculty members’ use SNS for keeping in touch with peers and family members. More than half of the faculty members accepted that SNS ‘helps to get required academic information from faculties of other colleges’ and ‘to exchange ideas among teaching community’. However, lack of availability of internet facility is the problem for 72.5% of the respondents. The study concludes that, by using latest SNS applications the teaching faculty can accomplish their academic assignments more effectively
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