Author(s): S. Dhanavandan
The present study aims to explore the Web Impact Factors (WIFs) for websites of Kerala State Universities. It discusses why External Web Impact Factor (EWIF) is more meaningful than simple WIF. The study also attempts the websites of State Universities in Kerala by considering website ranking systems and compares the WIF and EWIF. It found that the Shree Sankaracharaya University of Sanskrit ranked 1(0.0035) in Self link Web Impact Factor of State University Websites in Kerala. National University of Advanced Legal Studies is in the 2nd (0.0032) rank in Self Link Web Impact Factor. The Kerala University is ranked 1 (0.00083) in External Link Web Impact Factor.
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American Anthropological Association (AAA)
Society for American Archaeology
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American Medical Association (AMA)
American Political Science Association(APSA)